Thursday, April 14, 2011

pregnancy schools in fort worth, texas?

pregnancy schools in fort worth, texas?
please i need a list of all pregnancy schools in or around fort worth texas. ive tried searching it but could only find stupid ads about teen pregnancy. thank u
Adolescent - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i just googled it and nothing came up. sorry and good luck
2 :
Some regular schools offer programs for pregnant teenagers and teens who already have children-you might want to look into that instead of a boarding school, because I couldn't find any in forth-worth and chances are there isn't any nearby
3 :
I'm 15 and the mother of a soon to be one year old. I got pregnant and had my daughter when I was 14. I turn 16 in june and she turns one on april 23. I have a job and am still going to school. I'm still getting straight A's and get paid 8.90 an hour. At the end of march though my pay goes up to 9.50 so I'm excited about that. I go to a regular high school, not one for teen moms. It's hard to study and do homework while cooking and feeding and playing with desi, but I manage. If you have any questions or anything feel free to email me, I come one Y!A to help other girls in my situation so email me. Good luck.
4 :
Why don't you join some online schooling classes for pregnant teens? There are tons and I'm sure you could do one of those instead.

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