How About a Little WHITE Dress?
my high school doesn't do anything special for home coming, but i still want to get dressed up. I really wanted a nice, knee length, white dress. does anyone know where i could find one in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area?
Fashion & Accessories - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 : I LOVE these, especially the first and third ones. Have fun at homecoming!
2 :
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
homeschooling is it right for me?
Please please help! Im moving to Fort Worth, Texas. I'm 14 and going to be in 9th grade next year. I have never been homeschooled before, its hard for me to make friends so i'm going to try homeschooling or cyber schooling. I have questions about homeschooling: 1. how do you start or do you register? 2. how do you learn or get a diploma I also have questions about Cyber Schooling 1. Is it available in Fort Worth, Texas, for grades 9-12 and free of cost? 2. How do i sign up 3. How does Cyber Schooling work? (i tried many websites and none of them gave me good information about homeschooling/cyber schooling in Fort Worth, Texas) thank you i need to know about this information soon
Home Schooling - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
go to school. You need to learn all your subjects AND to socialize. Avoiding socialization will not help you in life.
2 :
i agree with the other answer. online schooling is not the answer. Everyone needs to learn how to socialize and make friends. I was nervous the first day of high school , being that i had no friends in my classes or even lunch, but youd be suprised how friendly people can be. i made lots of new friends on the first day alone.
3 :
1) You just start. Check the state laws, but I think in TX you don't have to do anything if you aren't already enrolled. 2) You learn however and whenever you like. Your parents can make a diploma for you when you are ready to graduate. They should keep a record of the activities you do and consider what kind of a transcript they will eventually need if you want to go to college. BTW, if it's hard for you to make friends, you are not alone, it is not a cause of homeschooling (obviously since you haven't yet begun) and it won't be changed by homeschooling. Some people just aren't a social as others, it's not a pathology. Just be yourself and polite to others and you'll be fine. Good luck :D
4 :
Regardless of your choice of school (although it's easier with homeschooling), pursue your interests. If you're unaware of your interests, keep trying different things until you discover some. This is part of taking care of yourself, builds self-esteem, and provides natural opportunities to socialize without all the drama sometimes present at school. There are a ton of homeschooling options, with or without online courses. Who are you living with that can help you plan?
5 :
6 :
If you want to try online high school it is available in every state but it is hard to find one that is low cost. You would most likely have video lectures, email assignments, and take exams online. You would of course need to register with the online school you are enrolling in and possibly need to inform your local school district that you will be taking classes online (that's the law in Maine where I'm from, not sure what the laws are in Texas) so they won't consider you truant. As for getting a diploma that depends on which online school you use. Many are not accredited and you can't earn a real diploma nor can you earn a real diploma being homeschooled the traditional way because although the government allows this kind of education they don't "approve" of it. The only way you can get around this is to return to an accredited school before your senior year or to take a GED test. As for socializing, I think it's overrated. I was homeschooled for 10+ years and am now a 25 year old wife and should have friends as everyone should but a traditional school isn't essential to learning social skills, you could probably find lots of other homeschoolers and helpful info from this site...
Home Schooling - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
go to school. You need to learn all your subjects AND to socialize. Avoiding socialization will not help you in life.
2 :
i agree with the other answer. online schooling is not the answer. Everyone needs to learn how to socialize and make friends. I was nervous the first day of high school , being that i had no friends in my classes or even lunch, but youd be suprised how friendly people can be. i made lots of new friends on the first day alone.
3 :
1) You just start. Check the state laws, but I think in TX you don't have to do anything if you aren't already enrolled. 2) You learn however and whenever you like. Your parents can make a diploma for you when you are ready to graduate. They should keep a record of the activities you do and consider what kind of a transcript they will eventually need if you want to go to college. BTW, if it's hard for you to make friends, you are not alone, it is not a cause of homeschooling (obviously since you haven't yet begun) and it won't be changed by homeschooling. Some people just aren't a social as others, it's not a pathology. Just be yourself and polite to others and you'll be fine. Good luck :D
4 :
Regardless of your choice of school (although it's easier with homeschooling), pursue your interests. If you're unaware of your interests, keep trying different things until you discover some. This is part of taking care of yourself, builds self-esteem, and provides natural opportunities to socialize without all the drama sometimes present at school. There are a ton of homeschooling options, with or without online courses. Who are you living with that can help you plan?
5 :
6 :
If you want to try online high school it is available in every state but it is hard to find one that is low cost. You would most likely have video lectures, email assignments, and take exams online. You would of course need to register with the online school you are enrolling in and possibly need to inform your local school district that you will be taking classes online (that's the law in Maine where I'm from, not sure what the laws are in Texas) so they won't consider you truant. As for getting a diploma that depends on which online school you use. Many are not accredited and you can't earn a real diploma nor can you earn a real diploma being homeschooled the traditional way because although the government allows this kind of education they don't "approve" of it. The only way you can get around this is to return to an accredited school before your senior year or to take a GED test. As for socializing, I think it's overrated. I was homeschooled for 10+ years and am now a 25 year old wife and should have friends as everyone should but a traditional school isn't essential to learning social skills, you could probably find lots of other homeschoolers and helpful info from this site...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
mock trial - direct examination help.?
mock trial - direct examination help.?
Hello, I am having a very hard time coming up with good direct examination questions for my mock trial class. This case is a "what if" case on the assassination of president JFK. If any one could help me, that would be appreciated. This is Lee Harvey Oswalds statement by the way. The questions should come from here. My name is Lee Harvey Oswald. My last residence, until my arrest, was a room in a house located in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. I was born on October 18, 1939, in New Orleans. During my preschool years, I lived in five different locations in New Orleans and eventually was placed in a children’s home. In about 1945 I rejoined my mother and attended at least fourteen different schools in Louisiana, Texas and New York, finally ending up at Arlington Heights High School in 1956. In October 1956, at the age of 17, I joined the Marines and reported for basic training in San Diego. After basic, I was stationed in Jacksonville, Florida, Biloxi, Mississippi and El Toro, California before boarding the U.S.S. Bexar in August 1957. In June 1958, I was court-martialed for a fight with a sergeant and confined for about six weeks. I was released from active duty on September 11, 1959. Shortly after leaving the Marines, I decided to go to Europe. While in Moscow, I attempted to renounce my United States citizenship but changed my mind after two years in Russia. I met and married Marina Nikolayevna Prusakova in Minsk in the spring of 1961. Marina and I returned to the United States the following year and moved to Fort Worth, Texas. Around March 1963, I saw an advertisement in a gun magazine and ordered a rifle. I wrote a note to Marina about that same time telling her how to deal with my death or arrest and left for New Orleans. Marina moved to Irving and began living with some friends she had met, but she joined me in New Orleans after a couple of months. After working a few months in New Orleans, I was fired from my job. Marina went back to Irving to stay with her friends there, and I went to Mexico City for a couple of months. The police showed me a picture they say they found in my wife’s stuff. The picture showed me standing with a holstered pistol strapped to my waist, holding a rifle, but it is a fake. I don’t know where it came from, unless someone made it up. Shortly after returning to the Dallas area, I was hired at the Texas School Book Depository, a textbook distribution center located in downtown Dallas. I moved into a rented room in Dallas’ Oak Cliff neighborhood to be closer to my job. I understand that I have been charged in the murder of President John F. Kennedy. I left work by bus about the time of the shooting and had nothing to do with his death. These are all the facts that I can remember about this matter.
Homework Help - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I suggest you to post this question in the specialized section of Yahoo Answers. Hope you'll get the answer you're looking for. Good luck
Hello, I am having a very hard time coming up with good direct examination questions for my mock trial class. This case is a "what if" case on the assassination of president JFK. If any one could help me, that would be appreciated. This is Lee Harvey Oswalds statement by the way. The questions should come from here. My name is Lee Harvey Oswald. My last residence, until my arrest, was a room in a house located in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. I was born on October 18, 1939, in New Orleans. During my preschool years, I lived in five different locations in New Orleans and eventually was placed in a children’s home. In about 1945 I rejoined my mother and attended at least fourteen different schools in Louisiana, Texas and New York, finally ending up at Arlington Heights High School in 1956. In October 1956, at the age of 17, I joined the Marines and reported for basic training in San Diego. After basic, I was stationed in Jacksonville, Florida, Biloxi, Mississippi and El Toro, California before boarding the U.S.S. Bexar in August 1957. In June 1958, I was court-martialed for a fight with a sergeant and confined for about six weeks. I was released from active duty on September 11, 1959. Shortly after leaving the Marines, I decided to go to Europe. While in Moscow, I attempted to renounce my United States citizenship but changed my mind after two years in Russia. I met and married Marina Nikolayevna Prusakova in Minsk in the spring of 1961. Marina and I returned to the United States the following year and moved to Fort Worth, Texas. Around March 1963, I saw an advertisement in a gun magazine and ordered a rifle. I wrote a note to Marina about that same time telling her how to deal with my death or arrest and left for New Orleans. Marina moved to Irving and began living with some friends she had met, but she joined me in New Orleans after a couple of months. After working a few months in New Orleans, I was fired from my job. Marina went back to Irving to stay with her friends there, and I went to Mexico City for a couple of months. The police showed me a picture they say they found in my wife’s stuff. The picture showed me standing with a holstered pistol strapped to my waist, holding a rifle, but it is a fake. I don’t know where it came from, unless someone made it up. Shortly after returning to the Dallas area, I was hired at the Texas School Book Depository, a textbook distribution center located in downtown Dallas. I moved into a rented room in Dallas’ Oak Cliff neighborhood to be closer to my job. I understand that I have been charged in the murder of President John F. Kennedy. I left work by bus about the time of the shooting and had nothing to do with his death. These are all the facts that I can remember about this matter.
Homework Help - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I suggest you to post this question in the specialized section of Yahoo Answers. Hope you'll get the answer you're looking for. Good luck
Friday, July 8, 2011
I need a good paying job, i have no high school daploma, no GED, no nothing just me and my family.?
I need a good paying job, i have no high school daploma, no GED, no nothing just me and my family.?
if there is any one out there that can help us, please do so. i live in Fort Worth Texas.
Small Business - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
good luck, you're going to need it
2 :
Get up off your butt and get an education.
3 :
~With no education, you're not going to get a good paying job. Those go smart people who know what they are doing/talking about.
4 :
Good question. If anything if you List on your application that you do not have a high school diploma then you are pretty much dumb. no one checks high school graduates-just list the class you were supposed to graduate with. trust me. they wont check. they only check college degrees
5 :
I don't even think you can enlist with the army without a highschool equivalent education. no education = no good job sorry for the bad news, but get your basic education.
6 :
Go to a reputable truck driving school. You can get assistance for this directly from the school in most cases,along with job placement. Over the road drivers can earn up to $1000 per/week after taxes in the first year. After about 3 years, you will be making as much money as a doctor. One major drawback: You only get to come home about 3 days per month. If your spouse can't take it, it could end your marriage. On the other hand, if you don't get along well, it might save your marriage. Either way, it will solve your money problems. You just have to decide what your priority is.
7 :
Read any book by Zig Ziglar for some motivation. Read the stories of others that were in your situation and picked themselves up and are now successful and happy. It is hard work but so is everything worth achieving.
8 :
ok, no high school diploma, no ged, hmmmm thats just a stupid question. there are alot of people with a good education trying to get a good paying jobs and are catching their tails to find one, you might be very lucky to even get a low paying job, so all i ahve to tell you is that i wish you the best of luck cause you have quite a hard task ahead of you cause the labour market hasn't gotten any easier, in fact it has gotten much more difficult with everyone graduating with hgher qualifications than before and seeing that you have none, it going to be a very rough road.
if there is any one out there that can help us, please do so. i live in Fort Worth Texas.
Small Business - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
good luck, you're going to need it
2 :
Get up off your butt and get an education.
3 :
~With no education, you're not going to get a good paying job. Those go smart people who know what they are doing/talking about.
4 :
Good question. If anything if you List on your application that you do not have a high school diploma then you are pretty much dumb. no one checks high school graduates-just list the class you were supposed to graduate with. trust me. they wont check. they only check college degrees
5 :
I don't even think you can enlist with the army without a highschool equivalent education. no education = no good job sorry for the bad news, but get your basic education.
6 :
Go to a reputable truck driving school. You can get assistance for this directly from the school in most cases,along with job placement. Over the road drivers can earn up to $1000 per/week after taxes in the first year. After about 3 years, you will be making as much money as a doctor. One major drawback: You only get to come home about 3 days per month. If your spouse can't take it, it could end your marriage. On the other hand, if you don't get along well, it might save your marriage. Either way, it will solve your money problems. You just have to decide what your priority is.
7 :
Read any book by Zig Ziglar for some motivation. Read the stories of others that were in your situation and picked themselves up and are now successful and happy. It is hard work but so is everything worth achieving.
8 :
ok, no high school diploma, no ged, hmmmm thats just a stupid question. there are alot of people with a good education trying to get a good paying jobs and are catching their tails to find one, you might be very lucky to even get a low paying job, so all i ahve to tell you is that i wish you the best of luck cause you have quite a hard task ahead of you cause the labour market hasn't gotten any easier, in fact it has gotten much more difficult with everyone graduating with hgher qualifications than before and seeing that you have none, it going to be a very rough road.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
What else can i do to prepare me for law enforcement?
What else can i do to prepare me for law enforcement?
I am a 16 yr old high school student and I am an explorer, what else can I do to prepare me for law enforcement? Are there any classes that college will let high school students take courses? or any other things? Fort Worth Area, Texas
Law Enforcement & Police - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Internship at local police department.. Explorers don't learn paper work smarts and that is one main part of the job, to understand how the law enforcement works on papers. How courts work and so on.
2 :
Many of the larger police departments now require at least an associate's degree. However a bachelor's degree is much more desirable. My son-in-law graduated with a B.S. in Criminal Science from the University of North Florida and is now with the Jacksonville Florida Sheriff's Office. Having the bachelor's degree entitles him to an extra $ 200.00 per month. Good Luck and may St. Michael be with you.
3 :
Look at starting off in the jail to get your foot in the door while you are going to college. A CJ degree will do fine. I was in the military and I only have 36 credits. I wish I would have completed my degree while I was in but now I have to get my degree while I am working. Just keep your nose clean, watch your speed, watch who you hang out with, and keep your integrity... good luck and I will tell you that it is a ery promising career.
4 :
Create a file for yourself. Keep track of all things you have done law enforcement related. Ride alongs, volunteer work for the department you are an explorer at. Get a four year college degree in Law Enforcement. Talk to law enforcement officers learn from them. Ask them what happens during a law enforcement job interview. What questions are asked. That way when you apply for a law enforcement job it will not be that you saw an ad and applied and are doing it on a whim. You will be able to show them that you have prepared to be a police officer all of your life. That will impress them and get you hired.
5 :
Much of "wanting" to be a police officer is far different from actually being one. The job is probably 85% mental stress. I'm afraid there may not be any schooling to prepare you for that. Here's just one of many trick questions for you. Suppose your that police officer sitting in your car. I walk up to you and say, "wait right here, I want to get my gun". What do you do? Shoot me right there? Wait till I get the gun? Perhaps tackle me to the ground as I walk away? Many situations such as this are faced and it is only you that has to make instant decisions.
6 :
Most colleges and universities have criminal justice and law enforcement classes. I would recommend a bachelors degree if you can do it, Most states require that you be 21 to be a police officer anyways. If your close, Western Illinois University has a great program (shameless plug of my school...)
I am a 16 yr old high school student and I am an explorer, what else can I do to prepare me for law enforcement? Are there any classes that college will let high school students take courses? or any other things? Fort Worth Area, Texas
Law Enforcement & Police - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Internship at local police department.. Explorers don't learn paper work smarts and that is one main part of the job, to understand how the law enforcement works on papers. How courts work and so on.
2 :
Many of the larger police departments now require at least an associate's degree. However a bachelor's degree is much more desirable. My son-in-law graduated with a B.S. in Criminal Science from the University of North Florida and is now with the Jacksonville Florida Sheriff's Office. Having the bachelor's degree entitles him to an extra $ 200.00 per month. Good Luck and may St. Michael be with you.
3 :
Look at starting off in the jail to get your foot in the door while you are going to college. A CJ degree will do fine. I was in the military and I only have 36 credits. I wish I would have completed my degree while I was in but now I have to get my degree while I am working. Just keep your nose clean, watch your speed, watch who you hang out with, and keep your integrity... good luck and I will tell you that it is a ery promising career.
4 :
Create a file for yourself. Keep track of all things you have done law enforcement related. Ride alongs, volunteer work for the department you are an explorer at. Get a four year college degree in Law Enforcement. Talk to law enforcement officers learn from them. Ask them what happens during a law enforcement job interview. What questions are asked. That way when you apply for a law enforcement job it will not be that you saw an ad and applied and are doing it on a whim. You will be able to show them that you have prepared to be a police officer all of your life. That will impress them and get you hired.
5 :
Much of "wanting" to be a police officer is far different from actually being one. The job is probably 85% mental stress. I'm afraid there may not be any schooling to prepare you for that. Here's just one of many trick questions for you. Suppose your that police officer sitting in your car. I walk up to you and say, "wait right here, I want to get my gun". What do you do? Shoot me right there? Wait till I get the gun? Perhaps tackle me to the ground as I walk away? Many situations such as this are faced and it is only you that has to make instant decisions.
6 :
Most colleges and universities have criminal justice and law enforcement classes. I would recommend a bachelors degree if you can do it, Most states require that you be 21 to be a police officer anyways. If your close, Western Illinois University has a great program (shameless plug of my school...)
Monday, July 4, 2011
I need a good paying job, i have no high school daploma, no GED, no nothing just me and my family.?
I need a good paying job, i have no high school daploma, no GED, no nothing just me and my family.? if there is any one out there that can help us, please do so. i live in Fort Worth Texas. Small Business - 8 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions : 1 : good luck, you're going to need it 2 : Get up off your butt and get an education. 3 : ~With no education, you're not going to get a good paying job. Those go smart people who know what they are doing/talking about. 4 : Good question. If anything if you List on your application that you do not have a high school diploma then you are pretty much dumb. no one checks high school graduates-just list the class you were supposed to graduate with. trust me. they wont check. they only check college degrees 5 : I don't even think you can enlist with the army without a highschool equivalent education. no education = no good job sorry for the bad news, but get your basic education. 6 : Go to a reputable truck driving school. You can get assistance for this directly from the school in most cases,along with job placement. Over the road drivers can earn up to $1000 per/week after taxes in the first year. After about 3 years, you will be making as much money as a doctor. One major drawback: You only get to come home about 3 days per month. If your spouse can't take it, it could end your marriage. On the other hand, if you don't get along well, it might save your marriage. Either way, it will solve your money problems. You just have to decide what your priority is. 7 : Read any book by Zig Ziglar for some motivation. Read the stories of others that were in your situation and picked themselves up and are now successful and happy. It is hard work but so is everything worth achieving. 8 : ok, no high school diploma, no ged, hmmmm thats just a stupid question. there are alot of people with a good education trying to get a good paying jobs and are catching their tails to find one, you might be very lucky to even get a low paying job, so all i ahve to tell you is that i wish you the best of luck cause you have quite a hard task ahead of you cause the labour market hasn't gotten any easier, in fact it has gotten much more difficult with everyone graduating with hgher qualifications than before and seeing that you have none, it going to be a very rough road. |
Saturday, July 2, 2011
I am really wanting to become a dental assistant,not sure which road to take.?
I am really wanting to become a dental assistant,not sure which road to take.?
Checked out Remington College in Fort Worth,Texas,really expensive!Really want to be working in the field w/o years of school.Heard about a 12 week course,not really sure about it.Any suggestions?
Dental - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The first thing you should do is call your own dentist up, and tell him or her that you really want to work in the field, and would like to talk to him/her for a few minutes when he/she has the time. Most likely, the dentist will be happy to give you his/her opinion, suggestions and be wonderfully flattered that you took the time to come there. If this is a person whom you really admire, and you have a long-standing patient-doctor relationships, you might even be able to get a part-time job there, in the office, or an internship as you work on your studies. How great would that be? Also, the dentist probably has assistants who took different routes to the same job, and they might be willing to talk to you...and the dentist will certainly have an opinion about the better way to go, training-wise. Also, look into community colleges, as they do often have programs that are cheaper per credit-hour than 4-year institutions. Not sure about your state, and its licensing requirements, but sometimes, the dentist is able to take a person with minimal training and teach them on-the-job. It certainly would be worth looking into! Good luck!
2 :
You do not need to go to any kind of school to become a dental assistant. The best route is to be hired by a dental office that is willing to train you. I trained all my staff myself. Some states require certification or licensure to be able to perform certain procedures and this is where going through a dental assisting program would benefit you because it prepares you for the exams you will need to pass. I have personally found whether a person has attended a program or not made no difference in job performance. What was important was the person's desire to be the best at what he/she could be.
Checked out Remington College in Fort Worth,Texas,really expensive!Really want to be working in the field w/o years of school.Heard about a 12 week course,not really sure about it.Any suggestions?
Dental - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The first thing you should do is call your own dentist up, and tell him or her that you really want to work in the field, and would like to talk to him/her for a few minutes when he/she has the time. Most likely, the dentist will be happy to give you his/her opinion, suggestions and be wonderfully flattered that you took the time to come there. If this is a person whom you really admire, and you have a long-standing patient-doctor relationships, you might even be able to get a part-time job there, in the office, or an internship as you work on your studies. How great would that be? Also, the dentist probably has assistants who took different routes to the same job, and they might be willing to talk to you...and the dentist will certainly have an opinion about the better way to go, training-wise. Also, look into community colleges, as they do often have programs that are cheaper per credit-hour than 4-year institutions. Not sure about your state, and its licensing requirements, but sometimes, the dentist is able to take a person with minimal training and teach them on-the-job. It certainly would be worth looking into! Good luck!
2 :
You do not need to go to any kind of school to become a dental assistant. The best route is to be hired by a dental office that is willing to train you. I trained all my staff myself. Some states require certification or licensure to be able to perform certain procedures and this is where going through a dental assisting program would benefit you because it prepares you for the exams you will need to pass. I have personally found whether a person has attended a program or not made no difference in job performance. What was important was the person's desire to be the best at what he/she could be.
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