My son took summer school and is still being retained in the second grade; why?
Hi, my son was retained in the second grade. He passed all of his classes, but failed reading with a 66 average. Summer school was recommended by his teacher and I signed him up and he went this summer. His summer school teacher sent a weekly report card home for me to see his progress and sign, his first week he made a 85, second week 90, third week 81, and the fourth and final week he made a 94. His summer school average was a 87.5. After summer school was over I called his school to see if he had been promoted and the principle said that they didn't receive a folder for him. I waited another two weeks and called again and still no answer to my question. After calling many other times and going to the school, the principle finally got back to me and said that my son would be retained. When I asked him why, he said my son didn't meet the minimum requirements for the year to pass to the third grade. I asked him what was summer school for and he said "Well he just didn't do well enough to be promoted." School starts on Tuesday 8/24/2010 and I don't know what to do. I believe my child will do fine in the third grade if given the chance. Can someone help me? My son was so upset and so was I. He couldn't understand why he worked his butt off and missed going to his grandmother's in east Texas to do what was needed to be promoted to the next grade and he is still retained. We live in Fort Worth, Texas and he goes to Crowley ISD. I appreciate any advice. The summer school packet I signed stated " If a student is needing summer school for promotion, he/she must attend 18 out 20 days. Promotion is then determined by his/her school principle." The problem is that if my son didn't have the opportunity for promotion, then why is is stated. Now I have been told that the school doesn't promote 1st or 2nd graders even if they pass summer school. Do you get the same interpretation that the opportunity for promotion was offered from the statements above? I did my job at home as a single parent of three (from a previous marriage) and made sure his work was correct and turned in on time. Also if he fail due to not taking his class serious, he had his punishment by having to miss most of his summer vacation to attend summer school. For all I know it could be discrimination. The other schools in the same district promote under this program. Why is this the only school that doesn't, and why am I the only parent having problems with no kids promoted.
Primary & Secondary Education - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would fight the system, and honestly threaten to sue. When my cousin was in first grade, the teacher wanted to hold her back, because she had cancer... Yeah, she didn't get the best grades, but she was totally fine to move on to the next grade. Well, guess what? My aunt hassled the school and they allowed my cousin to enter second grade. It really sucks that they did this to both you and your son. Considering that school starts on Tuesday, they have locked you in a very tight position. Why they chose not to tell you about this sooner, is very irresponsible of them. It's very shameful and pathetic. With the grade your son got in summer school, he is more than qualified to enter the third grade. I wish you the best of luck. I'm really sorry about your situation. :(
2 :
i would go to the next level of authority after the principal, the school board. if that doesn't work, go to the next position of authority and so on. you can also file a legal complaint if needed.
3 :
Definitely don't let it go, keep hassling the system until they realize their error. Your son is more than qualified to move on to the next grade. Obviously the principal isn't going to do anything, so take it to the next up.
4 :
Something's not right here. If he had done worse in summer school, the school's stance would be understandable--but an 87 is excellent. Talk with the dean of the school district. Make some waves. This shouldn't be a problem.
5 :
93, So, let me get this straight... Because you can't instill a proper work ethic in your son [I assume his low grade was due to a failure to actually do the work as opposed to just being not-bright] a class above his ethic level has to suffer? Perhaps you should remedy the problem at home? There is no excuse for a normal boy to be getting such a low score in reading classes. To answer you, you can do nothing. Unless your son is being held back and you think it is due to discrimination on a religious, racial or gender issue; however you do not seem to feel this is true. Maybe going back will teach him that he actually needs to put effort into things like a big boy. people above- File a legal complaint? LOL. What about? No law is being broken. 93 93/93
6 :
sue or transfer schools
7 :
I notice you didn't say that they actually told you that if he went to summer school and did well that he would be allowed to go to the third grade. Did they? They may have suggested it only so that he didn't get worse over the summer so that he could pass when he came back.
8 :
Let him re-peat the 2rd grade, it will make him a better student in the long run. it is better to have him get A's and B's having re-peat of a grade than to think he can handle it in the next grade when he is failing getting F's and D's. It will not kill him to take a grade over.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Where can i find a JOB in Fort Worth, Texas
Where can i find a JOB in Fort Worth, Texas?
*Just a regular 9-5 *I just got out of high school last year so I don't have no real qualifications, for anything to big. *I just really need some quick money each week. *please email me if you are serious in helping me
Dallas - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to your local BK.
2 :
Restaurants are always hiring! Being a waitress or bartender in the DFW area can bring you lots of cash every day! Also check the papers or You can usually find a job in a call center where you don't need any experience.
3 :
The company I work for and quite a few others in Fort Worth tend to get a number of temps in and hire from the pool of temps for the non professional jobs. Give manpower, etc a try. Good Luck!
*Just a regular 9-5 *I just got out of high school last year so I don't have no real qualifications, for anything to big. *I just really need some quick money each week. *please email me if you are serious in helping me
Dallas - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to your local BK.
2 :
Restaurants are always hiring! Being a waitress or bartender in the DFW area can bring you lots of cash every day! Also check the papers or You can usually find a job in a call center where you don't need any experience.
3 :
The company I work for and quite a few others in Fort Worth tend to get a number of temps in and hire from the pool of temps for the non professional jobs. Give manpower, etc a try. Good Luck!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Texas Christian Univeristy or University of Arkansas?
Texas Christian Univeristy or University of Arkansas?
Which should I attend? I have scholarships worth considerable amounts to both, although TCU is much more expensive that U of A. I'm strongly leaning towards TCU. Undecided on a major, possibly biology. TCU is in Fort Worth, Texas and U of A is in Fayetteville, AR. I am from AR. Tell me which school and why! (I know all I need to know about the schools and have visited multiple times and stayed over night with students at each. Just looking for an outside opinion, this is just for fun.)
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I really think yous should go to TCU in Fort Worth, Texas. If you want to go to further your education and you become a resident of Texas, it will cost you so much less money compare to schools in order states. Texas is not a bad place to live. ss
Which should I attend? I have scholarships worth considerable amounts to both, although TCU is much more expensive that U of A. I'm strongly leaning towards TCU. Undecided on a major, possibly biology. TCU is in Fort Worth, Texas and U of A is in Fayetteville, AR. I am from AR. Tell me which school and why! (I know all I need to know about the schools and have visited multiple times and stayed over night with students at each. Just looking for an outside opinion, this is just for fun.)
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I really think yous should go to TCU in Fort Worth, Texas. If you want to go to further your education and you become a resident of Texas, it will cost you so much less money compare to schools in order states. Texas is not a bad place to live. ss
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I'm trying to find a school for special need children in the Texas area?
I'm trying to find a school for special need children in the Texas area?
the school could be for the ages 5 years and older. i would like to find a scool in the dallas fort worth area if possible. thanks a bunch .
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The Yahoo Directory ( lists Vanguard Preparatory School and Kidprov. Vanguard ( is listed as a "Special needs school in Dallas serving students with social, emotional, or learning differences. Vanguard offers academic and therapeutic services to students K-12." Also, I found this site ( that lists a "meetups" of "Parents of Special Needs Kids" near Fort Worth and they have online postings. It looks like most of the parents have children under 5, but they might be able to give you some other schools or feedback on the schools that you look at.
the school could be for the ages 5 years and older. i would like to find a scool in the dallas fort worth area if possible. thanks a bunch .
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The Yahoo Directory ( lists Vanguard Preparatory School and Kidprov. Vanguard ( is listed as a "Special needs school in Dallas serving students with social, emotional, or learning differences. Vanguard offers academic and therapeutic services to students K-12." Also, I found this site ( that lists a "meetups" of "Parents of Special Needs Kids" near Fort Worth and they have online postings. It looks like most of the parents have children under 5, but they might be able to give you some other schools or feedback on the schools that you look at.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
Anyone here from Brewer Middle School in Texas?
Anyone here from Brewer Middle School in Texas?
I'm lesbian and going to BMS in Fort Worth, Texas. Just moved here from New York, and wow, there are a lot of homophobes here. Not currently open to anyone yet. I'm just wondering if anyone goes to my school and is LGBT or a supporter? Kinda seems like everyone at my school will hate me if I come out to anyone right now.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, but Im sure it can't be anywhere near as bad as Rogersville Middle School in Tennessee.
2 :
I would be quite shocked if someone from your school out of all the schools in the world found this and answered xP
3 :
Let's just hope all the new girls this year don't get bashed now....
I'm lesbian and going to BMS in Fort Worth, Texas. Just moved here from New York, and wow, there are a lot of homophobes here. Not currently open to anyone yet. I'm just wondering if anyone goes to my school and is LGBT or a supporter? Kinda seems like everyone at my school will hate me if I come out to anyone right now.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, but Im sure it can't be anywhere near as bad as Rogersville Middle School in Tennessee.
2 :
I would be quite shocked if someone from your school out of all the schools in the world found this and answered xP
3 :
Let's just hope all the new girls this year don't get bashed now....
Friday, May 20, 2011
Where can i find a JOB in Fort Worth, Texas
Where can i find a JOB in Fort Worth, Texas?
*Just a regular 9-5 *I just got out of high school last year so I don't have no real qualifications, for anything to big. *I just really need some quick money each week. *please email me if you are serious in helping me
Dallas - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to your local BK.
2 :
Restaurants are always hiring! Being a waitress or bartender in the DFW area can bring you lots of cash every day! Also check the papers or You can usually find a job in a call center where you don't need any experience.
3 :
The company I work for and quite a few others in Fort Worth tend to get a number of temps in and hire from the pool of temps for the non professional jobs. Give manpower, etc a try. Good Luck!
*Just a regular 9-5 *I just got out of high school last year so I don't have no real qualifications, for anything to big. *I just really need some quick money each week. *please email me if you are serious in helping me
Dallas - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to your local BK.
2 :
Restaurants are always hiring! Being a waitress or bartender in the DFW area can bring you lots of cash every day! Also check the papers or You can usually find a job in a call center where you don't need any experience.
3 :
The company I work for and quite a few others in Fort Worth tend to get a number of temps in and hire from the pool of temps for the non professional jobs. Give manpower, etc a try. Good Luck!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
I am thinking about moving to to Fort Worth Texas...Why is the housing sooo cheap?
I am thinking about moving to to Fort Worth Texas...Why is the housing sooo cheap?
I am in Nursing School & I graduate in about a year and we are considering moving to Fort Worth Texas....after we saw HOW cheap the housing was there! We live in Denver and houses are really high. Can anyone offer any advice on the area and tell me what I am about to get myself into=)
Renting & Real Estate - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1. There is lots of land. 2. The land is flat and easy to build on. 3. Inexpensive immigrant labor and few unions keep construction costs low. 4. Most people love Texas, and you probably will too.
2 :
The place is probably an American gheto. you may not only find the housing cheap, but also the food, sex and freedom. You can still try it.
3 :
I would agree with David B. Don't know much more to add.
I am in Nursing School & I graduate in about a year and we are considering moving to Fort Worth Texas....after we saw HOW cheap the housing was there! We live in Denver and houses are really high. Can anyone offer any advice on the area and tell me what I am about to get myself into=)
Renting & Real Estate - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1. There is lots of land. 2. The land is flat and easy to build on. 3. Inexpensive immigrant labor and few unions keep construction costs low. 4. Most people love Texas, and you probably will too.
2 :
The place is probably an American gheto. you may not only find the housing cheap, but also the food, sex and freedom. You can still try it.
3 :
I would agree with David B. Don't know much more to add.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Donalee st in Fort Worth Texas a good neighborhood?
Donalee st in Fort Worth Texas a good neighborhood?
We are in Missouri trying to find a house in Arlington/Ft Worth area. We found a house on Donalee in Fort Worth. We have no way of telling if it is a safe area for the kids and good schools. If anyone knows please let me know some info on the area. Thank you. The map shows Donnalee is East of 287 south of Rosedale north of Berry and west of Miller.
Dallas - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That area is called Stop Six, also known as "the hood". It's not as bad as it was in the early 90s though I still wouldn't consider it a good neighborhood. I lived near that area back then and it was a very bad neighborhood with lots of gang violence. Look in Hurst-Euless-Bedford or Grapevine, Colleyville or Southlake. If you prefer to stay in the city look in western part of the city.
2 :
I have to agree with the answer above mine. That is in fact the "stop six " area. The reason why it is called "stop Six" is because it is not a place that you would want to be after dark. The entire east side of Fort Worth is pretty bad and most of the major crimes that we hear about in the news takes place in east side. That is also where the prostitutes hang out.I have lived in Fort Worth almost my entire life and I won't even go to that part of town. I know this city like the back of my hand, if you want, I'd be willing to help you find a house in a good neighborhood that you and your family can afford. My e-mail address is
We are in Missouri trying to find a house in Arlington/Ft Worth area. We found a house on Donalee in Fort Worth. We have no way of telling if it is a safe area for the kids and good schools. If anyone knows please let me know some info on the area. Thank you. The map shows Donnalee is East of 287 south of Rosedale north of Berry and west of Miller.
Dallas - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That area is called Stop Six, also known as "the hood". It's not as bad as it was in the early 90s though I still wouldn't consider it a good neighborhood. I lived near that area back then and it was a very bad neighborhood with lots of gang violence. Look in Hurst-Euless-Bedford or Grapevine, Colleyville or Southlake. If you prefer to stay in the city look in western part of the city.
2 :
I have to agree with the answer above mine. That is in fact the "stop six " area. The reason why it is called "stop Six" is because it is not a place that you would want to be after dark. The entire east side of Fort Worth is pretty bad and most of the major crimes that we hear about in the news takes place in east side. That is also where the prostitutes hang out.I have lived in Fort Worth almost my entire life and I won't even go to that part of town. I know this city like the back of my hand, if you want, I'd be willing to help you find a house in a good neighborhood that you and your family can afford. My e-mail address is
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
hello, i'm moving to the texas fort worth area. i'm looking for a school to work at?
hello, i'm moving to the texas fort worth area. i'm looking for a school to work at?
that have kids with special needs. I couldn't find any schools on the internet. The ages i would like to work with are between the ages of 5 years of age and older. thank you for your help.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Try the on line newspaper for that area..look under the jobs section in the classifieds...
2 : This is the site for the school district, which has the employment link. If you did not want public schools, the united way site might have someone you could contact for a list of for schools in Fort worth and area. If they don't, they would know which agency would. It is a rather large organization in here and have worked hard on coordinating local service/resource services. Good luck
that have kids with special needs. I couldn't find any schools on the internet. The ages i would like to work with are between the ages of 5 years of age and older. thank you for your help.
Other - Education - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Try the on line newspaper for that area..look under the jobs section in the classifieds...
2 : This is the site for the school district, which has the employment link. If you did not want public schools, the united way site might have someone you could contact for a list of for schools in Fort worth and area. If they don't, they would know which agency would. It is a rather large organization in here and have worked hard on coordinating local service/resource services. Good luck
Friday, May 6, 2011
What is the cost of garbage pickup, water, heat, and electric bills in fort worth Texas?
What is the cost of garbage pickup, water, heat, and electric bills in fort worth Texas?
I need to know for a school project what the monthly cost of these expenses are, any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Maintenance & Repairs - 1 Answers
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1 :
trash pickup/water are on the same bill and primarily based on water usage. the trash bill is a constant but the main part of that bill is all about how much water you use. heat and cooling bills are dependent on if you have a gas fired furnace or electric heat or a heat pump. ft worth has very warm summers so you can bet e- bills in the summer will be somewhat higher than in our mild winters. insulation of the dwelling and many other factors, (such as the type of hvac system and the units SEER), also effect heating and cooling bills.
I need to know for a school project what the monthly cost of these expenses are, any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Maintenance & Repairs - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
trash pickup/water are on the same bill and primarily based on water usage. the trash bill is a constant but the main part of that bill is all about how much water you use. heat and cooling bills are dependent on if you have a gas fired furnace or electric heat or a heat pump. ft worth has very warm summers so you can bet e- bills in the summer will be somewhat higher than in our mild winters. insulation of the dwelling and many other factors, (such as the type of hvac system and the units SEER), also effect heating and cooling bills.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What are the nice area in Fort Worth Texas?
What are the nice area in Fort Worth Texas?
I'm relocating to Fort Worth from Michigan. I'm looking for an apartment and would like to know what aeas are nice. I also have small children and would like to live in a good school district.
Dallas - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
When I lived in that area I liked the mid-cities area, that is Hurst Euless Bedford. Its between Dallas and Fort Worth, so you can get to either city easily. Arlington is nice, too. If you want to stick in Fort Worth itself, I would try the Fossil Creek area on the North side. I believe the school district there is called Birdville and is quite good. If you like being close to downtown the TCU area is very nice. Lily B Clayton elementary school is excellent, as is Tangelweed. I loved Fort Worth. I am sure you will too!
2 :
Also near the TCU area would be the zoo, the museums,and many parks...but not too many new houses. The north part of Fort Worth, like Birdville is nice and has new development as does the area around Benbrook Lake and to the south, which would be Crowley. Welcome neighbor.
3 :
There is a great place called Benbrook that is great for schools, convenience, homes, apartments and so forth. Right off the expressways to be able to get anywhere in the Ft. Worth/Dallas metro area. Shopping is a hop away, within 10 mins and there are some nice convenient stops and little conveniences around Benbrook, but it is mostly residential. Close to White Settlement and very close to the Ft. Worth city expressway. The city is only 10 to 15 mins. away too.
4 :
Keller ISD is the hottest/best school district right now. I technically live in N. Fort Worth but I am still within the Keller ISD. They are building some new apartments off of I-35W and Basswood Blvd that might be in the KISD school district. Anyway, try to look in the Keller, TX area or the North end of Fort Worth.
5 :
Try Crowley ISD in Fort Worth. It's actually Crowley, TX. but it's just a suburb outside of the main city. I have family that live there and the children attend school in Crowley ISD. It's a nice clean area, with some nice houses and apartments. Have a safe move!
I'm relocating to Fort Worth from Michigan. I'm looking for an apartment and would like to know what aeas are nice. I also have small children and would like to live in a good school district.
Dallas - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
When I lived in that area I liked the mid-cities area, that is Hurst Euless Bedford. Its between Dallas and Fort Worth, so you can get to either city easily. Arlington is nice, too. If you want to stick in Fort Worth itself, I would try the Fossil Creek area on the North side. I believe the school district there is called Birdville and is quite good. If you like being close to downtown the TCU area is very nice. Lily B Clayton elementary school is excellent, as is Tangelweed. I loved Fort Worth. I am sure you will too!
2 :
Also near the TCU area would be the zoo, the museums,and many parks...but not too many new houses. The north part of Fort Worth, like Birdville is nice and has new development as does the area around Benbrook Lake and to the south, which would be Crowley. Welcome neighbor.
3 :
There is a great place called Benbrook that is great for schools, convenience, homes, apartments and so forth. Right off the expressways to be able to get anywhere in the Ft. Worth/Dallas metro area. Shopping is a hop away, within 10 mins and there are some nice convenient stops and little conveniences around Benbrook, but it is mostly residential. Close to White Settlement and very close to the Ft. Worth city expressway. The city is only 10 to 15 mins. away too.
4 :
Keller ISD is the hottest/best school district right now. I technically live in N. Fort Worth but I am still within the Keller ISD. They are building some new apartments off of I-35W and Basswood Blvd that might be in the KISD school district. Anyway, try to look in the Keller, TX area or the North end of Fort Worth.
5 :
Try Crowley ISD in Fort Worth. It's actually Crowley, TX. but it's just a suburb outside of the main city. I have family that live there and the children attend school in Crowley ISD. It's a nice clean area, with some nice houses and apartments. Have a safe move!
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Monday, May 2, 2011
What schools can i go to in FORT WORTH, TEXAS for pre pharmacy?
What schools can i go to in FORT WORTH, TEXAS for pre pharmacy?
I can't find a school! if someone could tell me a few of the closet schools, please please please, let me know! thank you soooo much! :)
Houston - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Try the Dallas/Ft Worth section and they might have more information for you.
I can't find a school! if someone could tell me a few of the closet schools, please please please, let me know! thank you soooo much! :)
Houston - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Try the Dallas/Ft Worth section and they might have more information for you.
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